This tip is solely Peter's doing, and I can neither confirm nor deny any of the credit!
Displaying cut/fill labels with appropriate colors.
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Here is the end result of this tip. Note that the cut volume labels are red, and the fills are green, and they are each inserted on a grid.
Here is how to do it:
1. Create a volume surface that represents the two surfaces you are comparing
2. Create an expression for Surface Spot Elevation labels
- Name it "Negative Value"
- Use this expression; -1 * {Surface Elevation}
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This expression will take a value, and multiply it by negative one, changing a positive integer into a negative one, or for this case, taking a negative and turning it into a positive. The ole double negative trick!
3. Create a new Surface label style for Spot Elevation Called "Cut Fill"
- Rename the label Component to "fill"
- Change its color to Green
- Modify the Surface Elevation label component
- Edit the text component and change the Sign Modifier to "Hide Negative Value"
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4. Make a new component for the Cut value
- Copy the Fill text component
- Rename to Cut
- Change the color to Red
- Edit the Text Component, and replace with the Negative Value expression
- Change the Sign Modifier to "Hide Negative Value"
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Now add Surface labels to the Volume surface on a grid, using the Cut Fill style. All the spot elevation in a cut area (the negative values from the volume surface) will be labeled with the Red label, and all the spot elevations with a fill area (where the volume surface is positive) will label with the green text. Because we chose to hide the negative values, and we used an expression to turn a negative into a positive (the cut), it automatically display the appropriate spot elevation.
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