Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 9, 2008

Tạo và sửa đổi Tuyến

A/ Tạo một tuyến bằng những đường chuyển tiếp và đường cong.
Chọn theo đường dẫn để đến với mục chưa file cad trong phần help, mở file Align-1.dwg Sau đó làm theo các hướng dẫn như bài thực hành.
Sau khi click ok sẽ hiễn thị lên 1 tab cho phép chọn các công cụ để tạo tuyến :Curve and Transition Settings .
Thay đổi các thông số trong đó, sau đó chọn
Straight-Straight (With Curves).
Chọn bắt điểm tâm các đường tròn A,B,C,D,E,F rồi nối các điểm lại với nhau.
Kết quả như sau :

B/Tạo đường cong và đường chuyển tiếp tại chỗ gãy

Chọn như trên rồi làm theo hướng dẫn của dòng nhắc lệnh để xử lý điểm gãy tại vòn tròn B

Chọn như trên rồi làm theo hướng dẫn của dòng nhắc lệnh để xử lỹ điểm gãy khúc tại đường tròn C

Kết quả sau khi thay đổi

C/Bắt tiếp đường cong cho tuyến
Vào layout mở layout C-POINTS vào thẻ sau để chọ lệnh

Sau đó làm theo hướng dẫn của dòng nhắc lệnh, ta có được kết quả sau :

Tạo Tuyến Với Alignment Layout Tools

  1. Tạo Alignment Layout có 2 cách chọn menu Alignments Tạo Alignment By Layout hoặc trong dòng nhắc lệnh gõ CreateAlignmentLayout.
  2. Trong hộp Create Alignment - Layout Dialog, điền tên vào một khung tiếp theo được sắp xếp sẵn.
  3. Điền vào ô mô tả tuyến vừa đặt tên.
  4. Điền giá trị tọa độ điểm bắt đầu vào ô starting chainage .
  5. Trong mục General , chỉ rõ các sự lựa chọn như sau:
    • Site :Có thể chọn một tuyến có sẵn hoặc tạo mới
    • Alignment Style
    • Alignment Layer
    • Alignment Label Set
  6. Trong mục Design Criteria , Chọn tốc bộ ban đầu cho tuyến vừa tạo. Tốc độ tuyến có thể thay đổi sau khi tuyến đã tạo xong trong mục Alignment Properties

  7. Chọn Use Criteria-Based Design check box.

    Trong Design Criteria tab, chỉ rõ những lựa chọn sau:

    • Use Design Criteria File

      Chọn một file có sẵn tuyến đã tạo theo đường dẫn của help.

      C:\Documents and Settings\All Users|Application Data\Autodesk\C3D 2009\enu\Data\Corridor Design Standards.
    • Use Design Check Set

  8. Click OK để hiển thị Alignment Layout Tools toolbar.
  9. Sử dụng những lệnh có sẵn trong Alignment Layout Tools toolbar để vẽ thành tuyến.

Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 9, 2008

Autocad Civil 3D User Interface Overview

click here view all image

1.The Menu Brower
Browse all drop-down menus available in civil 3D or perform a real-time search of the menus, menu actions, tooltips, and command prompt text strings.Use the menu browser the browse for recent documents, currently open documents, and command recently exexuted from the menu browser

2.Quick access Toolbar
Store comands that you frequently access in Autocad Civil 3D, By default, you can access New, Open, Save, Plot, Undo, Redo from the Quick Access Toolbar, Add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar using the shortcut menus on the menu browser and toolbar

Menus contain tools and actions for creating and editing Civil 3D objects. The Civil 3D complete workspace contains all menu commands and other workspaces contain specialized subsets of commands.

4.Civil 3D Toolbars
Civil 3D provides a number of toolbar to give you quick access commontly uses commands. The Civil 3D standard provides access to standard operations such as pan and zoom. Other toolbars access provide to transparent commands, feature line commands and inquiry commands.

Search for information using keyword and phrases, display the communication center panel for product updates and unnouncements, or display the favorites panel to access save bookmarks. You can aslo receive information from RSS feeds to quick you subscribe.

Display visial feedback of the current orientation of the model or udjust a model’ s viewpoint in a Civil 3D visual style. Restore previous view or click the drag over the rewind wedge scroll through the navigation history to restore a previous view. Enter Cube at the command line to display the ViewCube.

7.Tool Palettes
Organize, share, and place tools that are dragged from your drawing or are provide from your drawing or are provided from Autodesk and third-party developers. Change the properties of any tool palette and organize tool palettes into groups. AutoCad civil 3D include many default palettes including several groupings of subassemblies.

8.Steering Wheel
Access 2D and 3D navigantion tools such as pan, orbit, rewind, and walk from a single inetrface. Start the navigation tools by clicking a wedge or by clicking and dragging the cursor over a wedge. Enter Wheel at the command line to display the Steering Wheel.

9.Workspace Picker
Workspaces are sets of menus and toolbars that are grouped and organized so that you can work in a custom, task-oriented drawing environment. When you use a workspace, only the menus, toolbars, and secondary windows specified in that workspace are shown in the interface.

10.Status Bar
View the coordinate values of your cursor and access several buttons for turning on and off drawing tools as well as many display tools used to scale annotations.

11.Command Line
Execute a command by typing the full command name or command alias at the command prompt and pressing Enter or Spacebar. When Dynamic Input is on and set to display dynamic prompts, you can enter many commands in tooltips near the cursor.

12.Viewport Tabs
Display multiple views of the same drawing, each with different visual styles. Add or remove viewports using the Vports command.

13.List view/ Item view
Use the toolspace item view to display informaton about an item or the content of a collection. The item view is a secondary pade displayed beside or below the tree. To display item view, click the item name.

Access the Propector, Settings, Survey, and Toolbox tabs. Use the prospector tab to manager design objects. Use the Settings tab to manage object settings, styles, and other drawing items, such as point file formats, description keu sets and grading criteria sets. Use the survey tab to access reports manager and add custom tools.

Mail to Autodesk company

Dear Webmaster

I’m Cong Thuc Phan. I’m studying in University of Architecture of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. My major is Civil Infrastructure.

As acknowledging the importance of application Autodesk products of your Corp. to the majors of my University, I have an idea about making a forum to share knowledge, experiences and advantages of your softwares’ usage. And that website is free to join. We all see the best products of yours are useful to our majors, such as : AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Land Desktop, Map 3D.

Our forum focuses on : introducing and supplying directions for use of those products to the students. Then they will get the efficiencies in their majors once they exert on those useful softs.

I also expect the impediments if we create that forum : the cost to have a powerful host, the lack of initial linking with your master website and the forums which are operating for similar objects.

Actually, now, those softwares are rather strange to the students of my university. So the forum just introduce and the free legal copy is really hopeful. Besides, we also advertise your softs to more people to show how really useful they are to works.

We have ever attended to your online operating and trainings such as: Autodesk discussion group, web casts, etc. Unfortunately, because our student have some defect of low English grade , most of them couldn’t understand clearly. I think that all will be no more if my requirements are accepted.

As a student, the impediments as I said are really hard to me. If we have your support to establish a forum for our students; I’ll describe carefully about the contents of our new website, what sections will be on, etc.

We surely engage to accept all your terms for establishing a helpful forum efficiently.

Hope your precious reply.

Mr. Cong Thuc Phan – email :